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News Dabba 17 May: 5 stories across the web for a balanced news diet
Here are the daily updates that the internet is talking about through various news websites.

Anushka Vani brings you the daily updates that the internet is talking about through various news websites. Here's a glance through some of the National and International news updates, from a report on the Silger peaceful protest where justice remains unmet, Sri Lanka’s new deputy speaker, to relaxation on the wheat export ban.
Justice for Silger victims remains distant, report by The Wire
The Wire today wrote about the peaceful protest in Chhattisgarh's Silger that took place a year ago. A year has passed since the non-violent protest by the Adivasi villagers of Silger, a small village in Chhattisgarh comprising Adivasi villagers who earn their livelihood from daily wage work or farming. A year ago, on May 17, 2021, the CRPF established a camp at Silger without prior notice provided to the villagers, which is illegal under the Panchayat Extensions to Scheduled Areas Act of 1996 (PESA). The people of the Silger and some other neighbouring villagers marched to the camp to protest peacefully, but the CRPF fired at them. The report has also mentioned that in this firing, the CRPF killed three people, a 14-year-old and two other men. Some also died and got injured in the stampede that followed. Read the full report on The Wire.
Indian Express talks about the WPI inflation hike to 15.08 percent
The Indian Express reports that the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) rose to 15.08 percent in April as per the data released by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The report also shared data about the inflation statistics that indicate that the WPI grew 14.55 percent during the month of March, while in the month of February it revised to 13.11 percent. The report states that the WPI inflation has remained in the double digits for the 13th consecutive month from the month of April 2021. The reason for the hike was primarily due to the rise in prices of mineral oils, basic metals, crude petroleum and natural gas, food and non-food articles, food products and chemical products, says the government in its press release. Read the full report on IE.
US to surpass one million Covid-19 deaths, The Wall Street Journal reports
The US has crossed the threshold of one million Covid-19 deaths according to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, the Wall Street Journal reported today. It states that the Covid-19 mortality count is just over one million and is still rising. Early hot spots included New York and New Jersey, while the burden later shifted Southward including in states where the vaccination rates have lagged. Read the full report on the WSJ.
The Hindu on Sri Lanka’s newly elected Deputy Speaker Ajith Rajapakse
The Hindu today has reported that the ruling party lawmaker Ajith Rajapakse is elected as the Deputy Speaker of the Sri Lankan Parliament. His election sparked a heated exchange between parliamentarians. The report also mentions that he was elected by a secret ballot that was conducted in the Parliament. This was also the first time all the lawmakers met after the resignation of the former prime minister and the swearing-in of the new PM. According to the report, Ajith Rajapakse secured 109 votes while his opposition Rohini Kavirathna received 78 votes. Read the full report on The Hindu.
India allows Wheat Export Shipments, NDTV
NDTV has reported on the wheat ban that was imposed by the government as a part of its steps to control the spikes in prices. The Centre today said it has decided to allow shipments of wheat consignments. The report has also mentioned a statement by the Commerce Ministry that says, “It has been decided that wherever wheat consignments have been handed over to Customs for examination and have been registered into their systems on or prior to May 13, such consignments would be allowed to be exported”. Further, the report adds that the Centre has allowed a wheat consignment headed for Egypt after a request by the Egyptian government. Read the full report on NDTV.