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News Dabba 11 May: 5 stories across the web for a balanced news diet
Here are the daily updates that the internet is talking about through various news websites.

Anushka Vani brings you the daily updates that the internet is talking about through various news websites. Here's a glance through some of the National and International news updates, from HC verdict pleas on marital rape, Lisa Cook being the first black woman on the Fed board, to updates on the sedition law case.
NDTV report on Delhi High Court verdict on pleas to criminalise marital rape
The Delhi High Court today delivered a split verdict on the matter of criminalising marital rape, the NDTV reported. The case will now go to the Supreme Court. Two judges, Justice Rajiv Shakdher and Justice Hari Shankar, failed to agree on their verdict. The report adds that the petitions, filed in 2015, challenge an exception under rape laws that protects men who have non-consensual sex with their wives from criminal prosecution if the woman is not a minor, or above 18. Read the full report on NDTV.
Indian Express reports 89 percent children between 6-23 months don’t get adequate diet
Indian Express report on the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) highlights a key gap in child nutrition. The NFHS showed that 89 percent of the children between the age of six and 23 months do not receive a minimum acceptable diet. Children who are breastfeeding did not receive an adequate diet in 2019-2020, which was a comparative improvement as compared to the figures in 2015-2016. The report has shared figures describing State and Union Territory wise data, with Meghalaya children in the age-group being highest (28.5 percent) to receive minimum accepted diet, and UP and Gujrat being the lowest (5.6 percent each). Read the full report on IE.
US: Nationwide baby formula shortage as contamination woes, Huff Post
Huff Post report investigates the nationwide shortage of baby formula months after the recall at Abbott, where the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned parents not to use recalled baby formula as it seemed to be tied with bacterial contamination. Parents have been scrambling to find baby formula as the supply has been disrupted and the massive safety recall has swept many brands off the shelf. Read the full report on Huff Post.
Voice of America talks about Lisa Cook being the first black woman on the Federal Reserve’s Board
Voice of America’s today’s report talks about the Senate confirming economist Lisa Cook to serve on the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors. She is the first black woman to hold the position institution's 108-year history. The report mentions that her approval was on a narrow vote of 51-50, with Vice President Kamala Harris casting the convincing vote. Her position for the same was opposed by the Senate Republican who argued that she was unqualified for the position and lacked sufficient experience with interest rate policy. Read the full report on VOA.
SC puts sedition law on hold till review, India Today reports
The Supreme Court on Wednesday, May 11, stayed the use of the sedition law and directed the Centre and states to not register any fresh FIRs invoking sedition charges until the law is reviewed. The report states that in the pending sedition cases, the Supreme Court said those languishing in jail under sedition charges can approach the courts and seek bail. Sedition is dealt with by the law under Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code. Read the full report on India Today.