Quick Reads
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based psychotherapy.
Indie Journal Partner Platform

It’s never too late!
“After 56 years of cyclical highs and lows, in and out of the care of two or three dozen mental health professionals, I finally found a way to work with myself and look forward with joy for the rest of my years!“, said Mira Sadgopal, talking about DBT.
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based psychotherapy.
DBT has been proven useful in treating mood disorders, with or without suicidal ideation, and for change in behavioral patterns such as self-harm, and substance abuse.
Tathapi began ‘Anandi’ in 2012 to offer a space for women to share and learn how to manage their own health and to contribute to the health of their communities.
Under this programme we are starting a peer group for people who are experiencing mental and emotional distress, such as severe anxiety, bouts of anger, depression or ups-and-downs, and despair about living with suicidal ideas.
We will introduce the members to learning and implementing diverse DBT skills which are found to help, sometimes radically, in relieving mental distress. This is meant as a therapeutic exercise and not as a replacement to any existing therapy you maybe using.
We propose a series of regular meetings over a period of four to six months and DBT skills will be learned through group interaction and individual homework. The sessions will be conducted in English and Hindi.
We invite you to an introductory meeting where Mira Sadgopal and others will be sharing their experiences regarding DBT on the 27th of April, 2019 at YMCA Quarter Gate from 9am to 12pm.
We are looking forward to your presence. Please do forward this to as many as you can especially someone who might benefit from these sessions !
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